Tesco Community Grants
Written by craig.robinson@pbhr.org.uk on 20 October 2022
We were delighted that the people of Bishop Auckland and surrounding areas nominated Prince Bishops Hospital Radio as their chosen charity in store. Over the last couple of months, shoppers have been putting their blue tokens into the box to decide which local charity should get a share of a £3,000 grant.
Prince Bishops Hospital Radio recieved the highest number of tokens in store and were presented with a cheque from Tesco’s John Bailey.
Fundraising manager Chris Nisbet said “I’d like to extend the thanks of the volunteers of Prince Bishops Hospital Radio to the shoppers of Tesco in Bishop Auckland for taking the time to put their blue token in our box over the last few weeks. All money raised goes directly into providing our free 24 hour hospital radio service to the patients, staff and visitors of Bishop Auckland, Darlington Memorial and the Richardson Hospitals.”
Tesco Community Grants fund thousands of local community projects across the UK, helping to fight holiday hunger, tackle mental health, support young people, host community events and much more.

Tesco’s John Bailey