The A to Z of Pop Live!
with Richard Smith
Scheduled on
Live from Lancashire
Its as simple as A B C, or is it? Richard Smith takes you through an alphabetic journey of music in a special live edition of the programme.
But there’s a twist!
A special guest will be choosing the letter that Richard will feature during the show at the start – so he won’t know what letter he’ll be doing until it’s chosen for him!
What could possibly go wrong??
Brought to you in association with our friends at SFCT, each show looks at one letter of the alphabet chosen at random and features music from the 60s to today, a Mystery Voice competition as well as ‘Our Christmas Tune For Today’. There’s also the opportunity for patients to request a song on 033 33 601 301 or on Twitter / X @TheAtoZofPop.
But there’s a twist!
A special guest will be choosing the letter that Richard will feature during the show at the start – so he won’t know what letter he’ll be doing until it’s chosen for him!
What could possibly go wrong??
Brought to you in association with our friends at SFCT, each show looks at one letter of the alphabet chosen at random and features music from the 60s to today, a Mystery Voice competition as well as ‘Our Christmas Tune For Today’. There’s also the opportunity for patients to request a song on 033 33 601 301 or on Twitter / X @TheAtoZofPop.

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